Whether your family-based immigration goal is a marriage-based green card, or you are the parent or child of a U.S. citizen, the attorneys with the experience and expertise to help you are at Wilner & O’Reilly, APLC — with law offices in OOrange, Riverside, Sacramento, and San Bruno, California, as well as Salt Lake City, Utah, and Boise, Idaho.
Nonmarital Family Immigration Visas: I-130
Our experienced law firm is a trusted name in immigration law. We use broad legal knowledge and attentive personal service to protect our clients’ interests throughout any family-based immigration process, including consular processing. We work hard to reunite families. We promote marriages and adoptions. We protect women and children in ways that are satisfying and rewarding — for ourselves and for clients who trust us with their goals.
Our family-based immigration practice group is chaired by Kelly S. O’Reilly, a former officer with the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Attorney O’Reilly uses extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of the law to navigate complex immigration laws for family members locally, statewide in California, Idaho, and Utah, nationwide and abroad.
Our skilled attorneys represent sponsoring family members and their loved ones, helping them to navigate an often complex legal system; foreign nationals who marry U.S. citizens; those engaged to U.S. citizens; foreign national parents, adopting parents and adult children of lawful permanent residents (LPRs) for work that includes:
- Parent, spousal, child and sibling-based petitions
- International adoptions
- Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions
- Fiancee visas
- Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) eligibility
Contact our skilled Wilner & O’Reilly, APLC, immigration lawyers for a confidential initial consultation. Call toll free or email us. Cantonese, French, Japanese, Mandarin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Tagalog language translation assistance is available upon request.